Monday, February 1, 2016

Clown Triggerfish

Clown triggerfish fish are hardy aquarium fish. Sometimes juveniles have a hard time getting used to their new tank. Make sure you feed your clown triggerfish enough food so it will be healthy. You should probably feed your clown triggerfish three or more times a day. You should feed it frozen krill, frozen mysids, and cut seafood. When this fish is a juvenile you can keep this fish with non aggressive fish but, as it gets older it might kill other fish in the tank. You should only put one of these fish in a tank and they shouldn't be in a reef aquarium.  When this fish is a juvenile it can be kept in a ten gallon tank but, when it's fully grown it should be kept in a seventy five gallon tank. If you want other fish to be in the tank it should be at least one hundred eighty gallons. The temperature in the tank should be in between seventy four and eighty two degrees. If you go to the bottom of the page you will see a picture of a clown triggerfish. Thank you for reading my post. If you have any questions please comment.