Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Discus

Discus are schooling fish that are peaceful. This fish should be kept in a tank with its own kind because of the high temperature it needs to survive. The only fish they can be kept with are other fish that do well in the heat. They should not be kept with angelfish because they can get diseases from them. Discus should be in a tank with soft substrate and floating plants. They should be in a tank that is thirty five gallons or more. Make sure you pay attention to the quality of the water in the tank. You should do water changes pretty often. Also, you should feed your discus live food so it's color is brighter. You can feed them flakes but, you should not feed them flakes all the time. If you go to the bottom of the page you will see a picture of a discus. If you have any questions, please comment.

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