Monday, January 18, 2016

The Red Tailed Shark

The red tailed shark is a very aggressive fish. Even though it is so aggressive my glass catfish and my rummy nose tetra are doing great getting along with this fish. Sometimes my red tailed shark will chase my small chiclids around but, the red tailed shark doesn't hurt them. I also keep small tetras with them and they are also all get along. This fish will eat regular tropical freshwater food. Even though it is called the red tailed shark its tail can also be orange. My red tailed shark has an orange tail. On the top of its fin you will see it has a little white which is completely normal. The red tailed sharks lifespan is from six to ten years. They will grow to be around to be four to six inches maximum. If you go to the bottom of this page you will see a picture of my red tailed shark. Thanks for reading my post, please come back to read more.

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